Hallo Leute.
Ich hab jetzt zum testen seit einer kurzem zeit den Arduino Ethernet mit dem 433toMQTTto433 (https://github.com/1technophile/433toMQTTto433) am laufen.
Bis auf ein paar Kleinigkeiten die ich mal extra fragen werde funktioniert das ganz gut.
Kann damit div 433mhz Empfänger schalten und von mehreren Sendern, wie Fernbedienungen etwas empfangen.
Jetzt will ich das aber auf ein oder mehrere ESP8266 (D1 Klone) aufspielen.
Aber entweder ist meine Englisch doch viel schlechter als ich dachte oder ich finde es einfach nicht.
Ich schaffe es einfach nicht, wie ich mein so weit funktionierendes Programm so umschreibe, das es auf dem ESP8266 mit WLAN funktioniert.
Der 433toMQTTto433 basiert angeblich auf dem OpenMQTTGateway (https://github.com/1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway) doch auch da werde ich irgendwie nicht schlau daraus.
Vielleicht kann mir ja wer weiterhelfen und es vielleicht selber nutzen.
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <RCSwitch.h> // library for controling Radio frequency switch
#include <SPI.h>
RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch();
//Do we want to see trace for debugging purposes
#define TRACE 1 // 0= trace off 1 = trace on
// Update these with values suitable for your network.
byte mac[] = { 0x**, 0x**, 0x**, 0x**, 0x**, 0x** };
byte localserver[] = { ***, ***, ***, *** };
byte ip[] = { ***, ***, ***, *** };
byte subnet[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
#define MQTT_USERNAME "*******"
#define MQTT_KEY "*******"
//adding this to bypass to problem of the arduino builder issue 50
void callback(char*topic, byte* payload,unsigned int length);
EthernetClient ethClient;
// client parameters
PubSubClient client(localserver, 1883, callback, ethClient);
//MQTT last attemps reconnection number
long lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
boolean reconnect() {
if (client.connect("433toMQTTto433")) {
// Once connected, publish an announcement...
client.publish("outTopic","hello world");
// Client connected
//Topic subscribed so as to get data
String topicNameRec = String("home/MQTTto433/");
//Subscribing to topic(s)
return client.connected();
// Callback function, when the gateway receive an MQTT value on the topics subscribed this function is called
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
// In order to republish this payload, a copy must be made
// as the orignal payload buffer will be overwritten whilst
// constructing the PUBLISH packet.
trc("Hey I got a callback ");
// Allocate the correct amount of memory for the payload copy
byte* p = (byte*)malloc(length);
// Copy the payload to the new buffer
// Conversion to a printable string
p[length] = '\0';
String callbackstring = String((char *) p);
String topicNameRec = String((char*) topic);
//launch the function to treat received data
// Free the memory
void setup()
//Launch serial for debugging purposes
//Begining ethernet connection
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, subnet);
if (client.connect("arduinoethernet", "luni", "782360")) {
client.publish("home/433toMQTT","hello world");
lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
// RF transmitter is connected to this pin 9, we activate it only when sending RF data to avoid conflict between transmitter and receiver
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
mySwitch.enableTransmit(9); // RF Transmitter is connected to Arduino Pin #9
mySwitch.setRepeatTransmit(10); //increase transmit repeat to avoid lost of rf sendings
mySwitch.enableReceive(0); // Receiver on inerrupt 0 => that is pin #2
mySwitch.setPulseLength(189); //RF Pulse Length, varies per device.
void loop()
//MQTT client connexion management
if (!client.connected()) {
long now = millis();
if (now - lastReconnectAttempt > 5000) {
lastReconnectAttempt = now;
trc("client mqtt not connected, trying to connect");
// Attempt to reconnect
if (reconnect()) {
lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
} else {
// MQTT loop
// Receive loop, if data received by RF433 send it by MQTT to MQTTsubject
if (mySwitch.available()) {
// Topic on which we will send data
trc("Receiving 433Mhz signal");
String MQTTsubject = "home/433toMQTT";
long MQTTvalue;
if (client.connected()) {
trc("Sending 433Mhz signal to MQTT");
} else {
if (reconnect()) {
lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
void subscribing(String topicNameRec){ // MQTT subscribing to topic
char topicStrRec[26];
// subscription to topic for receiving data
boolean pubresult = client.subscribe(topicStrRec);
if (pubresult) {
trc("subscription OK to");
void receivingMQTT(String topicNameRec, String callbackstring) {
trc("Receiving data by MQTT");
char topicOri[26] = "";
char topicStrAck[26] = "";
char datacallback[26] = "";
// Below you send RF signal following data value received by MQTT
// converting string to char for condition statement
long int data = atol(datacallback);
trc("Send received data by RF 433");
//send received MQTT value by RF signal (example of signal sent data = 5264660), we activate the transmitter on pin 9 the time to send data by RF
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
mySwitch.send(data, 24);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
//send MQTT data dataStr to topic topicNameSend
void sendMQTT(String topicNameSend, String dataStr){
char topicStrSend[26];
char dataStrSend[200];
boolean pubresult = client.publish(topicStrSend,dataStrSend);
trc("sending ");
trc("to ");
void trc(String msg){
if (TRACE) {
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